Thursday, October 9, 2008

Enna Burning

So, I finished another book by Shannon Hale called Enna Burning. It's about a girl from one of her other books called Goose Girl (which I loved!). Enna has the gift of fire and in this book her people and the Tirans are at war and she uses her fire gift to fight that war. But there are a lot of twists and turns. It was really good! It's not my favorite but it's still a great read. If you haven't discovered this author yet, you need too! Especially if you have teenage girls. She most famous for her book Princess Academy (I can't spell today). My favorite book of hers (so far) is called Austenland. It's modern day and my life! Seriously, if you were to read my dating journal you would be reading this book! You've got to take an afternoon and read it. It's not very long. We read it for book club a few months ago and now I am hooked on this author. Stephenie Meyers is a friend of hers and loves her too.
So, the question for this week is, what authors have you been introduced to that have written several books? Meaning, I was introduced to Shannon Hales through Austenland but discovered that she had many more books out there. Same thing with Gail Carson Levine. I read Ella Enchanted and then discovered that she had a pluthera of books. Introduce us to your favorite authors today!

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