Thursday, September 25, 2008

Book Club

Last night I had a book club meeting. This month we read The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I of course had read it when it first came out. It's interesting to read books that I love for entertainment and then go and discuss things that I normally wouldn't have thought about. It makes the books a little more interesting and in depth. I love reading for entertainment and to "get away" to a place that is exciting, full of other people's problems and dilemmas, and has adventure and romance...oh wait, that is still my life!
If you don't belong to a book club, join one or discuss books here on my blog!!!!!!!! If you want to post something just e-mail me at and I will give you the password to log on and put a post on.
So this week's question is...What books have you read, whether in book club or school, that you liked for entertainment as well as discussion?
Actually this is a two part question...What are some good books to read for a Book Club?
Let me know what your thoughts and feelings are. While I do enjoy talking to myself (and do it quite frequently) it is nice to have somebody else's input on things!

1 comment:

Marcie and Holly said...

One of my favorite books of all time (and we've read it in 2 book clubs) is These Is My Words by Nancy E Turner. It is so good! It has romance, adventure, suspense...everything! It about a girl growing up in the Arizona Territories. I reccomend it to ANYONE who likes to read!