Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Joan of Arc

That isn't the complete title of the book but I can't remember it. I read it a few months ago for bookclub. Surprise-It's written by Mark Twain!! It was a really good book but I did have a hard time reading it. I LOVE the story of Joan of Arc being a sorta-kinda femi-nazi. I love stories about women who take a stand for what's right and come out above the rest. Even though she gets burned at the stake...you find out the REAL reasons why in this book and makes me even more upset!!
The part I had a hard time dealing with was the angel part. Not that she saw an angel or was counseled by one, but the truth and reality of it. Being LDS I want to know why it's not recorded in any part of the Book of Mormon, Bible, Pearl of Great Price or any other LDS material as happening. It seems to me that this is something designed by God and there is no question in my mind that His hand was in this war and her being a part of it...I just don't know what is fact from fiction in this book. I had to keep reminding myself that this was written by a fiction author and not presented as scripture.
Either way though, it was written beautifully and I loved it. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone! One thing that shocked me was that my husband said he had never heard this story before. What?!?! Not even in your history classes?? And to add insult to injury some of the members of the bookclub had never heard the story either. Boy, I love her and admire her and think of her when I am faced with difficult times and choosing right from convenient. So to those who do not know the story of the sixteen year old girl who saved France and ended a horrible war and then was burned at the stake and accused of witch craft I DEFINITELY recommend this book!

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