Monday, August 4, 2008

Are you finished yet?

Ok, so Breaking Dawn has been out for 3 days now. Who's finished? Leave us a BRIEF comment about the book. Did you like it? Hate it? Not quite sure yet and you are reading it again? Don't spoil anything for those who may not have read it yet (like me) or who are not finished. I am going to give everyone a week to finish it and then we will get into the nitty gritty of dissecting every aspect of this book, as only women can do. I would love to have teenage input as well so encourage your daughters, sisters, nieces, whoever to comment. Example comments could be something of this nature... "I loved it!!! It ended exactly like I wanted." or " Not to thrilled about it. Wanted a different ending." Something that lets us know how you felt and why, but without giving too much away. Save that for next week!


Heather English said...

I finished mine during Sunday School at church! I loved it! and i am reading it again! I can't say why, because if you haven't finished, it would ruin it for you. I will say this though, I feel closure with the story and an happy with the ending.:)

kayla sue said...

I loved it to be honest! The books kept getting better and better for me and this was the best finale ever!! Everything that i wanted to happen happened! It was wonderful! Time to start over with the series. I say we get together a petition and tell Stephanie to provide us with more reading material! I need to know more.