Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vampire or Alien?

Now that we've read the Twilight Saga and the Host, which one do you prefer? I personally think that the Twilight's have a little more...I don't know...edgyness to them. More romance and action, so to speak. I really liked the Host, don't get me wrong. It will be interesting to see what Stephenie does in her next two books in the Host series. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Let's Discuss

Ok, we've all had a little extra time to read and re-read the book Breaking Dawn. Now it's time to discuss. So, what do you think of the final chapter of the Twilight Saga? I loved it! I have to say that I prefer Bella as a vampire. I liked her so much better. I reread the whole series before I read the new book and I had forgotten how whiney she was and how she just needed to get over herself about Edward and Jacob. Sure it's complicated when you have two very different people that you are interested in, but she obviously loved Edward more and "couldn't live without him" and so Jacob needed to deal with that and so did Bella. Make a choice and move on already. The Wedding was great and the honeymoon was even better! I will say this, Stephanie does not disappoint in the steamy romance area!
So the question on everybodies mind is how did Edward do it? If it's true that their bodies are frozen in time and therefore the ladies aren't able to have the seeds, why does Edward have the fertilizer? Doesn't it also apply to him? What is your theory on that? When I was giving birth this past week I couldn't help but think of Bella because I had just read that part about her childbirth experience and then her "burning" when she was making the transformation. I wonder if Stephanie wrote that using her childbirth experiences because they seemed very similar to me!
Anyway, start by telling us what you liked and didn't like about the book and then asking any questions that you may have. Can't wait to read your comments. Don't forget to pass along the blog site to your friends so they can join the discussions as well!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So, I'm going back a little and rereading the other books while I wait for my mom and sister to be done with the book. I read a part that got me thinking. Carlisle's father was a clergy man and so he had some sense of religion. He said that Edward felt that he was damned and didn't really believe in the salvation of his soul and that if he made Bella or anyone else a vampire he would be condemning them of the same fate. So, what do you think? Are vampires doomed to a life in Hell even when it wasn't their choice to become one? If not, what would Bella's fate be if she did decide to become one?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Are you finished yet?

Ok, so Breaking Dawn has been out for 3 days now. Who's finished? Leave us a BRIEF comment about the book. Did you like it? Hate it? Not quite sure yet and you are reading it again? Don't spoil anything for those who may not have read it yet (like me) or who are not finished. I am going to give everyone a week to finish it and then we will get into the nitty gritty of dissecting every aspect of this book, as only women can do. I would love to have teenage input as well so encourage your daughters, sisters, nieces, whoever to comment. Example comments could be something of this nature... "I loved it!!! It ended exactly like I wanted." or " Not to thrilled about it. Wanted a different ending." Something that lets us know how you felt and why, but without giving too much away. Save that for next week!


Welcome to the new blog site where you can chit chat with others just like you about the books you've read and give comments and suggestions for other books. The name is kind of dumb, I know. We will have a contest to select a new name but I wanted to get this up and running before I had my baby...(which I'm hoping will be any day now!)
So, all you need to do is read what others have written and then add your own comments. Please keep the language clean...we are all women after all. Share this site with your friends and encourage them to comment.
I will usually start off the discussion, but if you would like to pose a question or suggestion just e-mail me at carachilds@gmail.com and I will give you the info that you need to sign in.
This site is for comments on books we are all reading (like Breaking Dawn!) and to leave suggestions for other books to read. Maybe a few of your favorites or ones you haven't read yet but would like to.
So enjoy!!!